Robert Weisman, D.O.

Dr. Weisman is Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Rochester School of Medicine. He is Medical Director of Strong Ties Community Support Program and Director of Clinical Care for Project Link and the New York State ACT team serving mentally disordered offenders in the community. For their work with Project Link, Dr. Weisman and his colleagues received the 1999 American Psychiatric Association’s Gold Award, and the 2009 NAMI New York State Program Award.
He is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, member of the American College of Psychiatrists and Board Certified in both General and Forensic Psychiatry. Dr. Weisman is Education Director for the Charles E. Steinberg Memorial Fellowship in Psychiatry and Law, at the University of Rochester. He has presented internationally and written on community and pharmacologic management of the mentally ill offender and on assessment of violence risk within this population.
He regularly conducts training seminars on topics relative to prevention of workplace violence for a variety of audiences including medical, psychiatric, corporate, and law-enforcement professionals. Through grant funding from the University of Rochester, he has developed training interventions for front-line correctional professionals working with mentally disordered individuals.
Dr. Weisman also provides forensic consultation nationally specific to individual risk assessment and violence mitigation to medical centers, criminal justice agencies and commercial industry. Dr. Weisman has developed a Safety and Violence Education (SAVE) training curriculum through funding from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.